Dr. ir. Ying Zhang

Teaching Interestes
I have a broad of interests in various subjects to teach. I am very passionate about learning with the next generation (or peer sectors) and exploring the diversified universes of knowledge. Therefore, no particular request from my side to teach a specific course. I am excellent to develop independent or joint programs, courses, and modules with stakeholders based on the demand and the changing phenomena as well as audience background.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy and methodology include case-based teaching (Harvard Business School's teaching method), Problem-based Learning (research-oriented teaching method), and phenomena- driven teaching. These three teaching methods require intensive class discussion and interaction, a large volume of reading before-and-after the classes, a self-reflection ritual, and a broad view of international landscape with the dynamics of social-political-economic-technology-civilization interpretation. This integrative teaching methodology is very effective to equip students (also me) to reflect the past, understand the current, and ethically plan and act for the future.
Teaching themes
Most of the teaching subjects in the field of management and economics are fine for me to study and teach. In my experience, I have taught various subjects including Strategy, International Business, Organizational Behavior, Leadership, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Entrepreneurship Leadership, Entrepreneurship Education, Institutional Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management, Social Innovation, Sustainability, SDG9, Wellbeing and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taichi and Wellbeing, Happiness Education, and Chinese Economy and Business, International Relations etc. In the past of my experience, I have developed and managed several levels of programs and research centers with various partners.
Predicting China: Economic Development and Chinese Catching up, MBA, Rotterdam
Entrepreneurship and Innovation, MBA, Rotterdam
Master Thesis and Internship, Rotterdam
Organisation Theory and Dynamics, Undergraduate, Rotterdam
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, MBA, Shanghai
Innovation Management, MBA, Beijing
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Global View, MBA, Shanghai
Globalisation and Localisation, Surviving and Thriving. Faculty and PhD. Tibet University
Survive, Thrive, and Happiness, Corporate course, Den Haag
Faculty training program: Writing and Teaching cases, Faculty level, Beijing
Education program: Happiness and Wellbeing in Education, Chinese School Principals level, Beijing.
Program of Doing Business with China. Spanish Executive level, Barcelona, Spain.
Understanding China Program: China and the World. faculty and executives level, Groningen
FT MBA program course: The Role of China in the World Economy, MBA, Milano
Advanced Master Program course: entrepreneurship and China. Advanced Master level, MiP School of Business, Milano.
Tai Chi and Wellbeing Program (Erasmus faculty and staff level, Erasmus University.
Erasmus Career development program: The future of job. Erasmus Faculty level, Rotterdam.
Erasmus-CKGSB Outbound CEO program, Sustainability and Transformation. Chinese CEO level, Rotterdam.
Investment in China(executive program for Dutch pension funds and investment banks, organised by AXA Investment Managers.
International Business and Leadership. RSM Tailor-made program for General Administration of China Customs, executive level,Rotterdam.
Doing Business with China, (RSM Executive level Open Program, European executive level, Zurich.
Future Work, Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sports, audience- Dutch HR directors,Utrecht, the Netherlands
China and the World, RSM Part-time Executive Master level, Erasmus University. ​
Tai Chi and Wellbeing, Erasmus Career Development Module, Rotterdam
Innovation towards Balanced Development-Sustainability Development Goal (SDG) online Program, Global