Dr. ir. Ying Zhang

Davos 2020 Identitat Global Forum
January 20, 2020
What would be the New World Order of the Future Paradoxical World? Together with industrial leaders and leading academic scholars, we tried to discuss this theme from two perspectives at davos2020 (1) BeltRoadInitive and the new World Order I: Sustainability vs Exploitation Equality vs Nationalism; (2) BRI and the new World Order II: Globalization vs TradeConflict, High-Tech vs No-Tech.

Building Up relationship in the medicine between the West and the East
November 11, 2019
After the CIIE 2019 trip between Nov. 4th- Nov 8th, Dr. Urs Lustenberger and professor Ying Zhang paid a visit to Shaanxi Freetrade Zone, discussing with the leaders and practitioners there on the opportunity to collaborate between European entrepreneurs and Chinese entrepreneurs. The visiting includes the in-depth discussion with Shaanxi provincial government, ABB in Xi'an, three national-level free trade zones, and three medical universities.

Veranderingen van 'werk' en individuele rollen
February 10, 2019
The future looks promising but same time worrying. The present feels exciting but might also be exhausting. The past seems fruitful but sometimes regrettable. Fears and courage are co-existing variables in each of our steps. Looking into a future requires reflection on our history, present, and our identity.
In this talk, I will take a causation-but-effectuation approach to discuss the nature of our identity and our hopes for one of the possible positive future settings. I will argue there won’t be a concept of ‘job’ in the future, but there will be a concept of a singularity identity. We will not have to struggle in so-called ‘(un)employment’ and ‘job-less innovations’, but accordingly we have an (r)evolution, for the positive change in institutions, education, selection, and evaluation system.
Finally, I will discuss with our audience a few things that we should immediately do to achieve those mentioned above at different levels, as an individual, as an organization, and as an institution.

Future of Innovation
January 01, 2020
Innovation will create an alternative path for human beings to a new system, and act as an essential instrument (besides institutions and transitional arrangement) to resolve tensions between the two spheres of our world (technology and society) and the lag between the present and future.

“Rotterdam and Hong Kong make One Belt, One Road Work for You”
June 29, 2017
An initiative that involves numerous projects, many countries and huge investments. But how will it affect your company, if at all? What opportunities does the initiative offer you in Hong Kong, China and the Netherlands?
During the seminar on 30 June, expert speakers from China, Hong Kong and Europe will focus on the creation of the New Silk Road as well as on the way companies can use the New Silk Road to grow in the Netherlands, Hong Kong and China.
The seminar is co-organised by the Netherlands Hong Kong Business Association, the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Brussels, and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
Gold sponsors are Rabobank and Loyens & Loeff. Sponsors are Rotterdam Partners, IGC International, 1421 Consulting, HKWJ Tax Law and Moore Stephens.
Our supporting organisations are the City of Rotterdam, the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China, Golden River Restaurant in Laren and the Hilton Hotel in Rotterdam.

EU- China Annual Forum -Brussels
June 25, 2017
The 7th EU-China Forum ‘EU-China cooperation in an age of uncertainty” will look at the future directions of EU-China relations in an age of increased uncertainties. Friends of Europe’s annual EU-China Forum brings together a unique mix of high-level speakers from Europe and China for an in-depth discussion on the different aspects of this multi-faceted relationship and is attended by policymakers, business representatives and leading academics from across Europe and China to discuss issues of shared interest and address pressing common challenges.

June 13-14,2015

March 15-17. 2016
Zhang, Y. (2016). Principle Contributor. How to Teach Entrepreneurship, Shanghai, China. March 15-17. 2016. (Invited by the Chinese Ministry of Education)

March 30th, 2016
Zhang, Y. (2016). Who should be running ahead? The Role of two types of entrepreneurship in China’s contemporary
economy. Cambridge, Department of Harvard Economics School, Harvard University, March 30th, 2016.

Apr. 8th, 2015
Zhang, Y. (2015). Entrepreneurial Leadership and Entrepreneurial Cognition. Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, April 8. 2015.

April. 23. 2015
Zhang, Y. (2015) Social Capital and Catching up. 5th Annual Strategy Symposium on Emerging Markets. Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University. April. 23. 2015

Zhang, Y. (2014). How does Chinese Philosophy Mirror Modern Society. Horasis Global China Business Meeting. Oct. 14. Lake Como, Italy.

Oct. 12. 2014
Zhang, Y. (2014). Business Education in Technological Environment. 2014 International Business School Dean’s
Workshop. Oct. 12. 2014. Tongji University, School of Economics and Management, Shanghai, China.

Oct. 12. 2014
Zhang, Y. (2014). How to Promote Collaboration Between Schools in Emerging Economies and Those in Developed
Countries. 2014 International Business School Dean’s Workshop. Oct. 12. 2014. Tongji University, School of Economics and Management, Shanghai, China.

June 14th, 2014
Zhang, Y. (2014). Entrepreneurship Development and China’s Transition. Lingnan College, Sun-Yat Sen University, June. 14. Guangzhou, China.

June 17. 2014
Zhang, Y. (2014). Entrepreneurship Education: Comparison between Western and China. Beijing Jiaotong University.
Beijing. June 17. 2014.

June 22. 2014
Zhang, Y. (2014). Organizer and presenter of Session 20A/Navigating the Research Process in Management: A
Comprehensive Practical Guide and Specific Critical Juncture Decision Points. IACMR Annual Conference, Beijing, China. June 22. 2014

April 22. 2014
Zhang, Y. (2014). To be special, to be responsible: How product specificity affects corporate social responsibility. KU
Leuven. April 22. 2014

Dec. 27, 2013.
Entrepreneurship Research and How to Conduct Academic Studies. Northwest Polytechnical
University, Xi’an China.

May. 20, 2013
EMEs from China and Chinese catching-up. Hangzhou, China, Research seminar and international
cooperation – RSM.

Nov. 10-Nov. 12, 2013
RSM Representative at Horasis of Global China Business Meeting.

March 07, 2012
Zhang, Y. (2012). Doing Business in Asia. BIAS 2012 China & Innovation seminar at Rotterdam School of Management: Rotterdam (2012, March 07).

April 2. 2012
Zhang, Y. (2012). Chinese Firms' Catching-Up Via Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy of Network. ERIM Research
Seminar. April 2. 2012.

December 08, 2012
Zhang, Y. (2012, December 08). Catching-up and Chinese Multinationals. Brighton, UK, keynote speaker at the panel of Emerging Market Multinationals in Advanced Countries" at European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference 2012.