Dr. ir. Ying Zhang
Professional Publications

COVID-19 pandemic as a force to disrupt institutional trust
Zhang, Y. Lustenberger, U. (2020) COVID-19 pandemic as a force to disrupt institutional trust. EUReporter, Brussels. May 2020.

An Experience with Dutch Customs at the Schiphol Airport. Discrimination and Fairness
At the Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands, there is always a group of customs officers who have “nothing to do” but just to select some passengers to investigate their suitcases at the door. They claimed it is a random baggage check, but if you look closely, you will find out the people who were called into the investigation were mostly Chinese.

Where should the #Dutch go with their new policy towards #China?

Commentary: US poised to be trade war's biggest victim
US President Donald Trump has signed a presidential memorandum aiming to impose billions of dollars in tariffs on a number of Chinese products and put restrictions on Chinese investment in US assets. He seems ready to start a trade was against China. This potential war, in the short and long run, will hurt American consumers the most and tax payers, in business and trade, investment and corporate collaboration.
Trump's action is not surprising, as he repeatedly said he would going do this during his presidential campaign, but the "surprising and confusing thing" is after one year, he is still using a non-intelligent business calculation to do "business" with other countries, as a so-called businessman and politician. The world is confused.

Let's Stay in Faith to Create a Shared Future in a Fractured World - My experience #WEF 2018 @Davos-Klosters
Following my lecture at MiP on the theme of "China and the World", the week after, as my second time, I joined World Economic Forum at DAVOS (from Jan. 23 to Jan. 26). This year's gathering was a bit different, simply put: divergently but also convergently. Themed as Shared Future in a Fractured World, with politicians, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and academics, artists, and many others, many medias have claimed that the theme of this year is very much in accordance with Chinese President Xi's speech last year at WEF DAVOS on the theme of "Jointly Shoulder Our Responsibility in Our Time, and Promoting Global Growth". To address it from my angle, I would say that it is actually in line with what has been happening and what the world phenomena has been evolved.

My brief thought following the lecture of China and the World
The lecture on Dec. 7th 2017 at GCI on the topic of China and the World was a great experience. For me it was another great opportunity to learn more from the Western and Eastern views (from our audience online and offline), including optimistic and pessimistic opinions towards China and its role in the world.

The Eurasian Silk Road was developed over a thousand years ago, and then revived by China’s President Xi Jinping in 2013 as a part of the country’s economic transition. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also called the New Silk Road and the One-Belt-One-Road, seems to have been widely accepted as an initiative to facilitate trade across the Eurasian continent, as well as geo-economic integration and global prosperity.

Your Thoughts: Has China’s Economy Hit A Wall?
According to a report co-authored by Yandong Jia, a researcher at the Research Bureau of the People’s Bank of China, alongside Jun Nie, a senior economist at the Kansas City Fed, “analysis indicates that the momentum of Chinese growth is likely to slow in the near term.”
As the world’s second largest economy, China’s GDP has seen a 6.9 YoY increase, according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). However, the above report suggests further growth to be considered bleak. “An analysis of its underlying forces suggests this momentum may not be sustainable,” it reads. “In addition, strength in policy-related variables has been waning, creating additional downside risks to near-term growth.”
Finance Monthly, this week spoke to several expert sources on China’s economy and prospected continued growth. Here are Your Thoughts.

The East and The West — Cooperation via Belt-Road-Initiative #OBORI
China owns the Belt Road Initiative, or the world owns it? Cooperation comes with collective vision and effort. It does not only from friends, but also from “rivals”. In a Chinese saying, there is no forever friends, also no forever enemies/rivals. Aiming for the joint prosperity and just keeping working on it does matter. – writes Dr Ying Zhang.

East must help West Understand #OBOR
On the occasion to celebrate and reflect the lessons learned and experiences made since the return of HK to China 20 years ago, there was plenty of discussion of past events, current trends and foresight on how to prepare for the future. Much was said in particular about the evolving international relationships between the East and West – writes Ying Zhang, Professor & Vice Dean @ Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.

China and Euripe: at Tibet University
a brief memo from visiting Tibet

#Huawei #China: Nothing is more important than you being inspired and empowered!
On 16 March, 2017, Huawei (West Europe) and Rotterdam School of Management set up a collaboration based on smart education and digital transformation, covering an overarching collaboration on research and education, between Europe and China. The leader of the collaboration programme, Professor Ying Zhang1, in this article shares her brief observations and ideas about Huawei’s success as the representative of Chinese multinationals.