Responsibility and Wellbeing- The Reflection of my catastrophic but enlightening 2020
Time reached 2020, and I have been in the year of my 38th milestone. Living with my loving husband, my two naughty children, and my...

AI, Our Body, Our Soul, Never Be Our Enemy
The emergence of AI with smart machine learning has helped humans in various sectors and fields to achieve higher efficiency,...

An Experience with Dutch Customs at the Schiphol Airport. Discrimination and Fairness
#SchipholAirport #Dutch Customs #the Netherlands #Chinese #discrimination #Fairness At the Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands, there is...
高考随感 都不记得今天是高考的日子了。自己的高考是18年前,那时候考试时间还在7月。 最近给女儿看了一个高考的系列片,本意是让她看看国内孩子是怎么学习的和学习精神,以此来激励她好好学习,却没想到把孩子给看哭了。哭着问我国内的小朋友为什么要这么学习?...

The East and The West — Cooperation via Belt-Road-Initiative (BRI)
China owns Belt Road Initiative, or the world owns it? Cooperation comes with collective vision and effort. It does not only from...

What if, What not if, What if not.
Today I received a very interesting question from my students: "what would you like to be, or to revise to be if you are allowed to redo...

Ecological Economy, Ethical Business, and True Happiness in Education
I have been paying attention to the studies on happiness and business school development for a while. These two subjects seem irrelevant...

The foundation of Capitalism and Eastern Philosophies can be met
I guess you might have the same impression as mine as follows: When you read the paragraph in below from Adam Smith, you might not...

Tai Chi, The Water Being of Yin-Yang Alteration and Integration
Tai Chi, as one of the carriers of Daosim, follows the characters of water and its nature. Nothing is soft or weak forever, same as...

Happiness and Catching-up
Traditionally, economic "catching-up” has been judged by how emerging market countries and firms achieve economic growth like GDP or...

Ant Financial --A True ONE with Eco-system & social entrepreneurial based Community (a lovely sp
This is a company/community we have so much interests in understanding, the one set up on a stakeholder-based value and truly developed...

Business Education Towards Surviving and Thriving
Guest post by Dr. Ying Zhang - Associate Dean at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. I had the honor to be invited to...
European Project Manager can Do Better Business in China
What are the main business differences between the Netherlands and China? Dutch projects progress more slowly than their Chinese...

Business Education-Surviving and Thriving
I had the honor to be invited to give a speech on the survival and thriving of business schools at the European Foundation for Management...

Chinese private capital into Europe, East Europe. for what?
March 29th, 2016, China Daily: China's largest investor in the Czech Republic is set to increase its total investment in the country to...